Monday, January 12, 2009

Starting Again

The day after I began this blog I recieved a phone call telling me that my sweet precious baby girl in Haiti, who we were in process to adopt, had died very suddenly from an allergic reaction to some medication. I was devastated and felt completely derailed from life.

Nandinie is the biological sister to our 2 Haitian children that we adopted and brought home on February 9, 2008. You can read much more of our story about adopting Monika and John and our short story with Nandinie on my mommy blog.

Needless to say, I have been a bit distracted from posting here. But I'm ready to get started again. And, due to the journey I'm on in life right now, I think that my next post will be about grief and what I've been learning and thinking about as we have said goodbye to Nandinie and our dream to add her to our family.

God has been so good to love us and carry us during this time. I would do anything to have her back, but know that He can use even this, especially this, to mold me and shape me into someone who looks much more like Him.